When you just start sewing, it may looks like you don't need any other devises apart from the sewing machine. But the more you sew, the more you realise that sewing machine's functions are quite limited. And that's the time when you may start thinking about buying a serger. How to choose the perfect one?
I wasn't even thinking about buying a serger for quite a long time. I didn't sew very delicate or thin fabrics, and as for jersey... I just didn't like it. Sounds really strange for me now, but I've really thought that stretchy fabrics aren't for me. I didn't like the way they look, didn't like the way they could conceal your good features and highlight those defects of your body that you haven't even seen before. But after finding some good patterns, I've thought "hmmm... That's definitely a good time to give it try!" And I must say that now I absolutely love jersey. And I absolutely love my Brother 1034D serger
. How to choose the one you really need?
1) Know why you wan to buy a serger.
You should know for sure how you want to use your serger. Some of them are perfect for knits, some are better for delicate silks, some are good for thick denims. If you're mainly wishing to sew jersey, it may be reasonable to think of buying a cover stitch machine
2) Analise you "technical" skills.
If you'd read the reviews, there are plenty of angry ones like "I bought it almost a year ago but still can't thread it". And it's true, it's not easy to thread some of the sergers. That's why it's very important to "feel" your machine before buying it. You can try to use it in some of the shops. If you want to purchase your serger online, choose the least complicated one with a good colour-coded guide, or a more expensive self threading one
3) Be patient.
You'll need some patience even if you're about to buy a beginner-friendly serger. It may take some time to get used to it and to learn how to get nice stitches. That's why you shouldn't start sewing expensive fabrics straight away. Start with small pieces of fabric you don't need, and always write down which thread tension combination worked best for this or that type of fabric.
4) Don't ignore reviews.
According to any commercial description, every single serger is perfect and a must have. But so many people have already bought them and have found not only pros, but cons as well. So don't skip the reviews and always read them before purchasing your new machine.
How would you recommend to choose a serger? How did you choose your one?