Getting My Sewjo Back

by - 08:14


It has finally happened for the first time after over 10 years of sewing. A burnout.

Sewing has always been something extremely exciting, yet soothing and calming for me. I'd sew for the sake of making the garment I really wanted to wear, but I'd also start other projects to learn a new skill and calm my nerves. I'd always find time for it - after work, while waiting for my husband to come back from work, etc.

Everything has changed after having our baby. Well, not straight away. For the first few months I was actually sewing a lot - it was super easy during his numerous naps. Everything was changing as the baby was getting more and more mobile. It got to the point where I could only sew during the only nap rach day and at night for a veeery short period of time. I'd start a seam and would have to run back. I ended up hating the started but never finished projects and was demotivated to work on them any further. 

Writing all of that feels quite surreal, but it's all true. Oh, and I forgot to mention another important detail - once the baby turned 1 year old, I started a job as the Burda Style editor. It's an incredibly amazing position and I love it, but I do lack time for my sewing. Plus, writing about sewing & crafts and not doing it feels... a bit strange.

I do try to work on making it all work at the moment. I still have some projects I need to finish, but after they're done here is my strategy:

1. Pick projects that don't require many (if any) alterations and too much time to finish.

2. More selfless sewing because even if it requires adjustments, it's not as time consuming and pressuring as doing my own projects.

3. Choose projects that don't require large surfaces to cut them, lay them out, etc.

4. Sew garments I can wear straight away so the process is more rewarding.

In short, I want to try to sew more activewear (something I actually need every few days), separates and quick to finish dresses that don't require lots of fittings and adjustments. 

And last but not least - if you're expecting or just had a as much as you can! Pick the most exciting and complicated projects and don't assume that it'll get easier one day soon... It wouldn't! Sewing with a baby in a carrier might feel uncomfortable at first, but at least it's possible. I did a lot of sewing this way and I'm sooo glad I did. Same goes for sewing during the last weeks of pregnancy - I made myself a gorgeous dress and some cute and useful baby outfits.

Have you ever experienced any sewing burnout? Why do you think it has happened? Was there also an important event that led to it?

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  1. Found your blog via google looking for a pattern and I clicked to your home page to see if you still posted on your blog. Timely post for me. My "babies" are all grown (youngest is 20) and it's still hard to make time to sew with all that goes on just keeping up with my home and caring for my family. I'm thankful for the skills I've acquired and know that when time allows, I can pop into my sewing room. Still I get paralysis by analysis very often trying to decide what would be great to make, but then I end up needing to tweak the fitting, so then it just makes it more complicated and all I want to do is sew something I will love wearing. The saga of a seamstress! ;-)
